JP found the site somehow, and admitted that he didn't remember how.  It's because the meatcake CALLS to you, JP, that's how!  He states that he showed it 'round to the people he knew, and there were mixed reactions.  Still, when his mom said he could have anything he wanted before he left for college, he requested the meatcake.  Well chosen, JP.  Well chosen.

"On the homefront, my mom was hesitant, my dad thought I was insane, and my sister was just absolutely grossed out by the sheer thought of it.  So, we went to the store, got the meatloaf ingredients, and the mashed potatoes and came home to begin cooking.  Ours was 5 # of meat,  a little smaller, but still 3 layers (despite my mom's protest...) we assembled it with the simple sidings of the mashed potato icing and mixed vegetable decoration.  It came out quite well and my whole family enjoyed it despite their early fears."


Looks lovely, JP!  And well done in converting three more to the culinary delight that is Meatcake!


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